Alec Knight

I’ve been a professional photographer for over 5 years and have taken pictures ever since I could hold a camera. When I was a kid I was heavily inspired by Spider-Man and always wanted to be a photographer like Peter Parker. In my spare time I really enjoy just walking around downtown or the Domain and and taking photos of whatever catches my eye. When I’m not working with a camera I’m usually hanging out with my black lab puppy, Sirius. My specializations include; portraits, headshots, street photography, and events, with a current emphasis on real estate and architecture. I have a passion for capturing meaningful images. I am an original “Austinite”; born and raised in Austin, Texas. I love tacos, dogs, and live music just like everyone else from this city!


Words of Praise

Please thank Alec so much for the beautiful photos of our listing.  He was professional and friendly too!

Get To Know Me

How long have you been in the Austin area?
⤜ Born and raised in Austin, I’ve always lived here and love it.

Breakfast Lunch or Dinner?
⤜ All of the above. I love food. Top picks are sushi, steak, and tacos!

What was the best concert you’ve ever been to?
⤜ I’ve only been to one and it was a group called Panty Raid.

When you were  a kiddo, what did you really want to be when you grew up?
⤜ Spiderman

Your favorite Austin Eatery // Coffee House // Brewery?
⤜ Toss up between Uchi and Chuys, depending on the occasion.

What’s your hidden talent?
⤜ I am excellent at reading people.

What’s your favorite thing about being a photographer?
⤜ It’s my passion and it doesn’t feel like work at all!

Have you ever met anybody famous?
⤜ Shaq, Lawrence Fishburn, and Lance Armstrong.

What is your go-to Potluck dish?
⤜ Chips and Creamy Jalapeno Dip from Chuys. It’s always a hit.

How many states // countries have you visited (or lived in!)?
⤜ I’ve never been outside of Texas! I plan on changing that very soon. Top three places I’d like to go are London, Italy, and New York.

What’s something that has surprised you about being a real estate photographer?
⤜ How friendly everyone is! From realtors to designers, everyone is great with people.

What is one of the top items on your Bucket List?
⤜ I want to go cage diving with sharks.

What’s something that you’re really bad at?
⤜ Remembering actors and band’s names. I love movies and music but I can’t ever name them.

What’s one hobby you’d love to get into?
⤜ Creating music (on the computer).

What’s your most used emoji?
⤜ (My sunglasses are prescription so I wear them everywhere!)

Favorite Shoots