Ryan Luck

Ryan headshot copy e1738186608815

Words of Praise

Ryan is a great addition to the Twist team!

Get To Know Me

How long have you been in the Austin area?
⤜ I’m Austin born and raised (22 years)

Who inspires you (in general / as an artist / your interpretation)?
⤜ My mom is my biggest inspiration. She’s a true hustler haha

Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner?
⤜ Breakfast at all times of the day!

What was the best concert you’ve ever been to?
⤜ My favorite concert has been The Marias

When you were a kiddo, what did you really want to be when you grew up?
⤜ When I was a kiddo I wanted to be a photographer, I just didn’t know it would be real estate.

Your favorite Austin Eatery // Coffee House // Brewery?
⤜ Thundercloud Subs is the best eatery around.

Do you have a favorite charity you wish more people knew about?
⤜ I wish more people knew about Connors Heart, my best friends brother OD’d and now has a charity in his name to support addiction recovery services. Connors-heart.org

What’s your hidden talent?
⤜ I took piano for years up until Covid hit. Kinda hard to take piano lessons over zoom haha

Have you ever met anybody famous? Share a pic!
⤜ I’ve valeted for Joe Rogan and Elon Musk and a few actors.

What is your go-to Potluck dish?
⤜ Thundercloud subs Potato Salad recipe for the win.

How many states // countries have you visited (or lived in!)?
⤜ I’ve only lived in Austin but I’ve visited 18 states!

What is one of the top items on your Bucket List?
⤜ Someday I want to learn to Paramoter and fly it from my house to Zilker Park. (Less flight restrictions that drones somehow haha)

What’s something—big or small—that you’re really bad at?
⤜ I am really bad at cooking but I practice twice a day.

What’s one hobby you’d love to get into?
⤜ I’d love to get into mountain biking. Hit some trails and jumps in my youth and then ride low and slow in retirement.

What’s your most used emoji?
⤜ 😁