Frequently Asked Questions
What are your office hours? I need to talk to someone!
Our Twist Tours office is open M-F 8:30a-5p.
For general information about our services or to speak with us about an existing appointment call 866-648-0022. Â Email support on evenings and weekends:
For product support, or help with your account and ordering, HomeDiary PRO (formerly FloorPlanOnline) customer care is available M-F, 8am-6pm, 206-384-4400 Opt. 3. Â Email support on weekends:
When will I receive my appointment time for my photo shoot?
You will receive your appointment time around mid-day the day prior to your shoot. We do this because we experience a great amount of movement in the calendar and want to ensure the accuracy of the photographer’s route.
We will send out appointment times for Monday on the Friday prior.
What if I need a specific appointment time?
You can let us know of any time restrictions on the notes section of the order form. We do offer generic selections of morning (appointment start time between 9am – 11:30am) and afternoon (appointment start time between 12p – 3:30p) on the order form. Â We will do our best to accommodate exact time requests, but cannot guarantee it.
When are photo shoots typically scheduled and how long are they?
Day Shoots: We schedule between 9am and 3:30pm but if you have a specific request outside of the those hours just inquire and we will let you know if someone can accommodate it. Â
Full Twilight Shoots: We will arrive about 1 hour to 2 hours depending on the size of the house, to photograph day exteriors, and day interiors and then back out after sunset for Twilight exteriors. Â
Twilight Exterior Shoots: We will arrive right about sunset.
Most appointments will be 30 – 45 minutes in length. Â Larger houses take longer.
Will the photographer move things to create a better photo?
We will move small items to create a better scene.  We are photographers and not stagers however, so it is the customer’s responsibility to ensure the home is ready for photos. Â
The space must be staged and photo ready when we arrive so make sure you give our How To Prep for a Photo Shoot document to your clients and follow up to make sure it was done!
Will I get a reminder about my upcoming appointment?
We do send 48 hour photography reminders.
When do I get my photos and / or tour links?
We deliver the product to you the day after your photo shoot (yes even on Saturdays!) by 6p with the exception of aerial photos/video and floor plans which can take up to 2 business days. We also offer rush processing for same day delivery by 7pm ($60) or priority processing for next morning delivery by 9am ($30) for photos only.
What if I need to get my photos same day or early next day?
For a $60 rush fee, we will have your images to you the same day by 7pm. If you want your images by 9am the next morning, we offer Priority Morning processing for $30. We are really good at what we do, but we can’t deliver Twilight, Matterport or Floor Plan products the same day.
Can your photographers access the home via a lockbox?
The Board of Realtors requires vendors such as photographers to use a CBS (call before showing code) to access the lockbox. Â You can find the CBS code by accessing the Supra website – Click Keyboxes under Quick Links – Locate the Keybox# and see the column called CBS code. It will be 7 digits long.
What is your cancellation policy?
When you schedule services with us, you are reserving a valuable time slot that will not be available to others. When you cancel or reschedule the same day as your photo shoot, we have to pay our photographers for that reserved time.
While everyone understands the purpose of cancellation fees, and agrees to the terms of service, nobody likes paying them. So we do our very best to keep you apprised about your upcoming appointment with a courtesy email at least 48 hours out – please use that time to check in with your customer.
As soon as you become aware that the property is not ready as scheduled, email so we can notify the photographer and either remove it from the schedule or set up a new appointment time. If it is the same day, please call or text 866-648-0022.
Same Day Postpones/Cancellations/Reschedules:
If an appointment is postponed, cancelled or rescheduled the same day as the appointment, or, the photographer arrives at the appointment and cannot photograph it, then you agree to pay a fee of $50 before arrival or $75 after arrival so that we may pay the photographer for their reserved time.
- We are going to work hard to replace the photo shoot, so we can waive the fee and will let you know if we are able to do that
- Twilight appointments can be moved at any time without incurring any fees, unless the photographer arrives at the appointment and is unable to photograph it. After arrival cancellation fees for twilight shoots are $100
- Be sure to check the weather in advance of your appointment. It is your responsibility to reschedule if weather is a concern! We can replace gray skies with blue skies as an alternative for NO CHARGE. As long as it is not raining hard, we can shoot interiors and exteriors. After you receive the photos, you can then decide if you want to schedule an additional exterior reshoot on a sunny day for a reduced fee of $35 (plus any applicable trip charge).
How are Trip Charges calculated?
Trip charges occur for properties approximately 25 miles or more from city center. Â These charges are added to the base photo shoot cost and are zip code based.
Why do twilight shoots cost more?
Twilight shoots are a premium product that requires specialized execution not only on site but in post production as well. They are scheduled after hours and take longer to photograph. Special techniques are applied and only our most skilled photographers are trained to shoot them. These kinds of photos encourage viewers to imagine returning to a warm and welcoming home each night – creating a unique mood and adding a touch of elegance and style.
Do I own the photos? What if someone wants to use the photos I bought?
Twist Tours owns the images but we grant you the license to use the images freely in your marketing in perpetuity. Â Official Details here:
You are the only one with the rights to use the images and those rights cannot be transferred to any third party, including but not limited to a builder, designer, remodeler, or stager of the property photographed, nor can you give away, sell or resell the images to any third party.
We never give away or sell photos without the permission of the person who bought them. If someone wants usage rights for the photos, email  with permission and we will process the relicensing.
How long do you keep the images for the properties you shoot?
The original print size images are housed for a period of one year
Do my tours or photo download centers expire?
Images and Tours are good for one year – then you have the option to renew. You can renew directly in the order system and you will also receive email notice when a renewal is due.
What size should I download for MLS Photos?
We offer MLS/Web – Medium (1024 pixels wide) or MLS/Web – Large (1920 pixels wide) – both will work in the MLS system.
How do the vanity domains work?
You can order domains directly in your Order System. Domains are registered for a 1 year period at a cost of $30. You will receive a notification when your domain is about to expire so you may choose to renew it for another $30 or let it expire.
The domains are registered to Floorplan Online. If you have registered a domain directly yourself, contact Care to get instructions on how to direct it to your tour:
Domains ordered Monday through Friday are processed at the close of business each day and will be attached to your tour for you. Â For domains ordered on Saturday and Sunday, domains are processed on Sunday evening – your domain should be available by 6:00 pm on Sunday.
Vanity Domains are the ultimate finishing touch to create a single property website showcasing your listing.
What are my payment options?
You may pay by credit card or Paypal. Â We do not take checks or cash.
Log into the Order Management System and click on Edit Profile, then Update Credit Card / Billing Info.  Any billing questions should be directed to 206-384-4400 Opt. 3 or
When do I get charged? How do I get my invoice?
We only charge after we deliver the product. Â Your invoices are conveniently located in the FPO order system. Â Locate the order/tour and look for the Invoice link.
How do I order a Reshoot or Exteriors Only?
Contact with the property address, preferred appointment date and details of the shoot. Â Reshoots/Exteriors Only are $100 for up to 10 images. We will coordinate the scheduling with you after we receive the email request
I want neighborhood amenity photos - how does that work?
We offer Neighborhood Amenities for $35 per Neighborhood. This grants you a license to use these photos every time you have a listing in that neighborhood.
What is your Weather Policy?
We are prepared to shoot rain or shine. Check the Weather Forecast if you require a sunny day for your shoot. You can move your shoot anytime up until the day of the appointment without a reschedule fee. If you reschedule the day of your appointment there is a $50 before arrival fee (and a $75 after arrival fee).
We realize that everyone works hard to prepare a home for the photo shoot, so if the weather is overcast or slightly drizzly, we can still photograph the home inside and out. We do offer Blue Sky Replacement at no charge on all exterior daytime ground photos.
If we are unable to photograph exteriors due to rain, we will reschedule the exteriors for another day for a $35 trip fee (and any applicable trip fee to outlying zip codes)