Brand Spankin’ New Website!
Our family at Twist Tours is proud to announce that we have a brand spankin’ new website! This project has allowed us to bring our customers the highest-quality site possible and show off our amazing services! What went into our new site? Well, we have taken several steps to make it look gorgeous and be easily navigable!
Mountains of text are always intimidating to people and sometimes someone just doesn’t want to read a novel to learn about our services. That’s why we have streamlined everything! The text is being kept to a minimum and we are emphasizing our services through photos and graphics. A picture is worth a thousand words and a lot easier to look at as well. The colors have also been overhauled and we have a new logo to take our look in a bold new direction. Real estate is a constantly evolving market which is why we wanted to elevate our look!
The site has also been condensed thus making it much easier to view for visitors. All of our sections have been streamlined, showing off the best examples of our work in that area. The whole overhaul was done with the assistance of Julie Velky from Velky Consulting! She took our website and branding design to the next level!
We are so excited to let clients see just what our twisters can do with our incredible services through our site. One visit will win anyone over and we promise that it won’t fail to impress. We would also like to take a moment and give a huge thank you to all our clients, supporters, and team members. Without all of you, we would not be where Twist Tours is today. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts, especially since to us you are all family. Being grateful is a total understatement on our part.
The passion of our twisters and beauty of your properties will shine through in every project we do. Check out our new site and contact us today so we can tackle real estate marketing together.
Shout out to Julie Velky of Velky Consulting for the fabulous work developing our site!